Monday, December 15, 2014

Let's talk about running now

So, let's talk about running.  As you all may know, I decided to start running in late August while we were on a trip to Disney World.  I've always hated running mostly because I was so bad at it and because I used to get this awful itching in my legs when I ran.  The itching made it impossible to run and so I always used to quit after attempting a one mile run.

Finally, I decided enough was enough and that I would start running.  Within a few days the itching (due to inactivity) went away and I was off!

I started out doing very slow runs (about 12 minute miles) while in Disney World.  Mostly because it was so darn hot and humid.  Then I started running about a 10 min mile and I was stuck there for a while.  Finally I was able to run a 9 min. mile and then I was able to keep an 8:30 pace for a 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day!

I am able to run a 7:30/8:00 min. mile for only about one mile and I would say my average pace is between 8:30-8:50 a mile for my normal runs.

I'm actually starting to enjoy running and now my goal is to train for longer than a 5k distance race.  The longest run I've ever done so far is 7 miles and it really wasn't that bad.  I slowed my pace down to just above 9 minutes a mile for that particular run.  I'm hoping to do a 10k and maybe 15k in the spring.  Perhaps down the road even a 1/2 marathon but I'm still thinking about that one.

Here are my stats from when I started running at the end of August.  My best month was October when I logged 39 miles.  I can't wait until spring so I can start running outside more regularly because I really hate running on the treadmill.

And here are my stats from the only three 5k races I've ever run.

1. The Edison Park Elementary Pound the Pavement 5k.  This is my old elementary school!

I actually placed 3rd in my age group 30-34 (because it was a very small race!)

Time: 27:49, pace: 8:57 per mile
Overall: 43rd of 215
Female: 30-34: 3rd of 43

2. Hot Chocolate 5k Chicago.  It was cold and crowded for this race.  I lost at a least a minute or two trying to get by people at the start line.

Time: 27:30, pace: 8:51 per mile
Overall: 1,591 of 25,856
female: 644th of 19,404
Female 30-34: 77th of 2,998

3.  Edison Park Turkey Trot Chicago

This race wasn't officially chip timed, but my nike app tells me I ran it in 25:56 or about 8:20 per mile, making it my fastest 5k yet!  

Here are other fun things that have happened in my life lately, besides running.

Went to Denver with the husband. 

Performed in a tiny ballet recital

Went to a pumpkin farm

Went to Disney World!

Took Christmas pictures!

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