Friday, May 18, 2012



Did that get your attention? It really shouldn't have.

So I think it's time for a new blog post.  I have been a terrible blogger.  Mostly because I work FT and I now have 2 children.  Count them: ONE.  TWO.  Well some days it seems like there are more than that.

Anyway I feel like I've come full circle since I first started this blog, but not in a good way.  I began the blog last year with a post about breastfeeding in public and how America is ass-backwards (excuse my language) when it come to BFing in public.  We just can't seem to accept that breasts' primary function are to feed children.  Why? Because breasts have become so sexualized by the media that we are just completely hung up on them and can't imagine they are used for anything else.  It's pretty sad really, that a woman can't BF in public without having to worry about people casting judgment upon her for merely feeding her hungry baby.

Now that I started a twitter account a few months ago, I have seen so many young women tweet things like "EW this woman is BFing at a restaurant! I want to throw up".  Really.  Tweets like this exist.  People actually think that a woman BFing their child is disgusting.  What on earth is wrong with these people?  I could rant and rave about how incredibly stupid and ignorant people are but I'm tired of it.  I'm tired of having to defend breastfeeding.

But unfortunately we have to keep defending breastfeeding, after all didn't TIME magazine just throw this cover in our face?

I know.  It's just a sensationalist attempt to sell magazines.  But it has provoked all kinds of discussion about whether BFing a toddler is wrong, and really makes mothers who BF their children past a certain age look crazy.  Not to mention, the article discusses Attachment Parenting as an "extreme" parenting method.  I cannot begin to tell you how much I HATE these types of parenting labels.

So here we are again.  Mothers who breastfeed their children keep having to defend themselves, in public especially, because people in this country are just hung up on the notion that breasts are for sex.

I am travelling this weekend to NY and we're going with our 2 kids- the almost 2 yr old toddler and our 4 month old.  She is exclusively BF and this is going to work marvelously on our trip.  I don't have to pack bottles, formula, or water.  I just have to take my ergo carrier and BF whenever she pleases.  This will mean I will absolutely be BFing at the airport, in a restaurant, and most definitely on a plane.  Why? Because I damn well please.  Oh and more importantly because when my baby is hungry, I will feed her.  And I will not care about other people's childish insecurities about breasts.  I don't cover up, but I'm also pretty discrete (I think) and I plan on breastfeeding anywhere.  Anytime.

I dare you to tell me to cover up while I BF my daughter.  I double dare you.

And as a final note, god I'm glad to be leaving Chicago this weekend during their crazy NATO summit.  See you in NY!