Monday, October 26, 2020

5 long years

 5 long years

They passed in the blink of an eye. 

Mateo hadn’t been born yet. Covid hadn’t happened.

Now? I started my own firm! We got a dog! Moved into a new house. Mateo is almost 4. Girls started tae kwon do tonight. I’m teaching 2 classes at Wright college. Covid. We bought a new house. Covid. Life as we knew it changed forever. Covid. Zoom. Zoom. Covid. MASKS. Welcome to 2020. 

That pretty much explains it right? 

I mean what else can I say about the last 5 years? We travelled. We went to Florida, Arizona, California, Puerto Rico, Cuba and Mexico. We took road trips and partied in Vegas and Niagara Falls with the kids. 

I feel like I really need a new blog post to describe the absurdity and depression that is 2020. But I’ll at least say this. 

Never in a million years could we have imagined 2020. Everything has changed. Life will never be the same. We pray for normalcy. For crowded events and kissing friends. Concerts. Cubs games. Sox games. We just want to talk drunkenly and loudly across a bar to our friends. To kiss a grandmother again and volunteer in a nursing home. I feel for high school seniors and college freshman who can’t experience the joy of a college campus and dorm life. The families that have locked down only to see their loved ones sick. Some people have been successful. Most have persevered. Are we still in this together?

We should be.