Monday, October 29, 2012

Let's have a fun non-lawyer blog post shall we?

Things I have learned as a mom

1. People love seeing pictures of your kids.  (I think) So here are 2 recent pictures of my girls.  Enjoy. 

2. Use small nail scissors to cut your baby's nails, way easier and less dangerous than using the clippers.

3. If you have hardwood floors, don't let your toddler run around the house in their socks, they will fall on their face.

4. Try not to rock your babies to sleep (if you can help it).  It's not so fun later.

5. Go out to eat at restaurants and take your children and make them behave.  They have to learn how to behave in public.

6. As much as you will be bombarded with new and pretty things for your babies in the beginning, keep it simple.  Babies (if you're breastfeeding) need very little in the beginning of their lives.  Milk, clothes, diapers, blankets and you're pretty much set. 

7. Travel with your kids, expose them to new cultures, new foods, and new people. 

8. Buy a good carrier for when your babies are little.  Like an ergo.  I would pesronally stay away from bjorn style carriers where the babies face outwards, they look terribly uncomfortable for the babies and they HURT your back.  Ergos and other similar carriers are great for long trips and especially good in airports, like so:

9. Document your kids' lives.  Not necessarily by writing a blog, but try some kind of journal.  I just open a word document every few months and sit down and type for 15 minutes.  I write about milestones in their lives, whether they are sleeping through the night, what kinds of words they are saying, etc.  That's it.  It's simple but it's a great way to remember those details you will NOT remember later in life!

10. Finally, I've learned, to relax.  To chill out and go with the flow.  Kids are unpredictable and it's pointless to stress yourself over things that you can't control.  I keep my house clean but there are some things that I have just let go.  For example, my toddler took a red marker and drew all over our couch.  And you know what? It's ok.  Why? Because our couch is old and crappy anyway.  We'll just buy a new one once the kids are older. 

I've learned many more things, but I'm out of time!

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