Monday, September 15, 2014

I started running!

Alas, I've been away from my blog in months.  Pretty much I've been away the whole summer.  But let me tell you, we had a FUN summer.  The husband and I went to Vegas for a weekend then we took the kids to Disney World.  That was a blast!

I also decided to start running a little bit, which quickly turned into me running about 10 miles a week.  For seasoned runners that's not much, but for me that's a LOT of running!

I've never been able to run (or wanted to run) because of this weird itching in my legs due to inactivity I think.  But I overcame the itching and now I can run more than a mile at a time! Yippee!!! My time is still pretty slow though.  I'm running just under 10 minute miles, but it's better than not running at all.

I'm also taking ballet twice a week now and hitting the gym the other nights.  Also volleyball starts next week and I've really never felt better.

Over the weekend I got fitted for some beautiful Mizuno running shoes and I can't wait to run a few miles in them.  Last night I ran 2 miles in them and felt great.

For now my running goals are just to run a decent 5k and maybe be able to run a 10k down the line. 

Time to go running!

1 comment:

  1. This is a very useful post, thank you! I agree that innovations are the most important thing for most businesses because with today’s fast-changing world we need to stay on top of the changes if we want to survive.

    This is a very useful post, thank you! I agree that innovations are the most important thing for most businesses because with today’s fast-changing world we need to stay on top of the changes if we want to survive.
